Posted by : Katto Rani Thursday, 22 October 2015

Tulay Kumasci

Tülay Kumaşcı, like the meaning of her "Tulle Moon", this Girl is an astonishing and hottest existence in the feminine industry. Tülay is from a famous TV channel of Turkey A9 Television. She has been a remarkable presenter and contributor in the shows and programs of A9 Television, specially the Live tunes with worldwide connections in term of spreading knowledge, wisdom and peace messages.

With the tremendous, hot and heart-beating appearance Tülay has become one of the popular feminine personality from Turkey. Among World, she has millions of fans and viewers who strive hard to get connect to her shows, tweets and updates.

Forget Kim Kardashian or any Princess as Kate Middleton, Tülay is the name with unique appearance and appealing looks to sooth the viewers. Though, her existence is contributing in creating peace among the World. Connecting different regions people at one platform to watch the messages of peace from A9 Television.

From the background knowledge and studies, Tülay is a very talented Girl who comes up with ideas, theories, experiments and very creative ideologies. Tülay works with her colleagues and companions at Television and off-screen as well. All the newspapers, articles and social media is full of attention over A9 Celebs specially Tülay Kumasci, who is becoming the most demanding and TRP personality of channel.

Mr. Adnan Oktar aka Harun Yahya, a famous Scholar, who is Master on A9 Television praises the duties and hard efforts of Tülay and all the other companions. However, these days A9TV shows have become a source of pain relieving, learning, soothing and relaxing. The message of PEACE is clear. To live and let live. Through this meaning it wouldn't be wrong to say that the efforts of Tulay Kumasci and all her friends is worth appreciable. 

It wouldn't be fair if we do not put highglight about Tülay's appealing personality. Below are the slideshow from her latest Instagram feed:
A video posted by TulayKumasci (@tulaykumasci) on

Also, The Diva Tülay Kumasci is appearing in many photo shoots, below is just the one piece of them. She has stolen millions of hearts and have become beat of hearts for the viewers. An iconic personality can be seen on daily show at live:sohbetler
A photo posted by TulayKumasci (@tulaykumasci) on

Without borders limitations, her message is conveying all over the world. Beauty, Love and Peace is the language of connecting people and biggest tool to enhance friendship among countries and regions. We are thankful to Tülay Kumasci for giving us such a pleasure of knowledge, beauty, God's praises, firing flames and peace feelings throughout the days with her appearances and writings.

Follow Tulay Kumasci at @TulayKumasci

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