Posted by : Katto Rani Sunday, 10 November 2013

Semra Ozgiray, Columnist, InterFaith Activist
Semra Özgiray, works at A9TV, Istanbul, Turkey.

Semra Özgiray is a muslim born in İstanbul, Turkey. She was educated in Special Bilgi College then graduated from Special İstek College. Studied management. She is a columnist. She has been writing about Islamic moral values, Islamic Union and some scientific articles about art of creation. Works for A9 TV Channel. Her goal is to be instrumental in making the beautiful, compassionate, merciful, deep and loving spirit of Islam prevail throughout the world.

She wants all religions that believe in One God to live together in peace and love. She wants the establishment of a system in which everyone, believer or not, including atheists live as first class citizens in a world full of aesthetics, beauties, richness and abundance with the compassionate and just spirit of religion and she puts her efforts to this end. She wants richness and prosperity to reach everyone with the just approach of the Qur'an, instead of wild capitalist system and she strives for the establishment of an order where everyone will live a life like Paradise.

Semra's Twitter posted Photo
Semra co-hosts the shows on A9TV Channel. The show broadcast daily on the channel and worldwide through internet. Their Master Mr. Adnan Oktar teaches the Morals of Life, Religious values and Peace international processing with His hosts of the show. To Watch Semra Live on channel, tune to A9TV daily at 22:00 Turkey Time.

Simplicity; Softness and the Beauty Origin, Semra.

Semra Ozgiray's Twitter, Facebook. She is one of the famous Activist from Istanbul, having thousands of followers and students from around the world. She is definitely a worth-reading peace columnist.

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. i'll follow her. she is nice.

  2. ''representative of modern Islam'' so I think good article.


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